Location & Venue
Kennebunk, Maine and the surrounding area is an amazing place to be in the summertime! Downtown teems with restaurants, many walkable from the venue or available as a very short drive. Uber provides service in Kennebunk during the summer.
First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church is a historic building right in the heart of downtown Kennebunk, and features a historic Paul Revere Bell, a Round Top Clock, and a Hook and Hastings organ. Learn more on the FPUU website.
While at the workshop, participants can choose the option of housing with a host family. There is a limit of eight hosted housing beds reserved for participants per workshop per week. Hosted housing includes a bed (hosts may request guests provide their own bedding). Bathrooms may (or may not) be shared depending on the particular situation. Use of the kitchen is also on a per-host basis. You will be connected with your host in advance of the workshop so you can communicate about your accommodations. You may be able to coordinate with your host family for dinners.
There is no obligation to participate in the hosted housing - participants are welcome to find their own accommodations if they prefer more privacy. Each workshop has four additional spaces per week for non-hosted housing. A list of housing options can be found on the Go Kennebunks "Where to Stay" page.
Your registration includes continental breakfast and homemade lunch on the days of the workshops. Vegetarian and gluten free options will be provided, but vegan options cannot be guaranteed.
Here are some of our favorite places:
If you like things a little more casual, try:
For even more options, you can check out Go Kennebunks.