Information about CEUs
AMTA has an agreement with the U of Pacific to grant credit for Chemistry and Physics-mechanics workshops.
There you will find EDUP 9116 Modeling Instruction Chemistry I (1-4 credits) and EDUP 9118 Modeling Instruction Physics – Mechanics (1-5 credits). The guideline for our agreement with U of P is that teachers can earn 1 credit for each week (usually 30 hrs) of instruction. The cost is $79/hr. Remind teachers that by default the first course listed (EDUP 9417 – Advanced Research Project) is checked. One has to de-select this course and then check the course for which they wish to purchase credit. Then they follow the prompts to register and pay U of P. It’s pretty straightforward.
But, if teachers plan to take both Chem 1A and 1B, they should only sign up once and for 2 credits. They cannot sign up for the same course twice. The same is true for mechanics 1A and 1B.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Larry Dukerich
Associate Executive Officer – American Modeling Teachers Association